At the bottom of almost all the pages there is a poll. It would help me a lot if you would answer which lot of that type is your favorite. The poll is open indefinitely at this point, but for at least a few months. When I close the polls I will add a note to the winning lots that they are the community favorites.
All Bridgeport, Midnight Hollow, and most Store Venue lot pictures are taken in Sunset Valley 2 for better visibility. Some Hidden Springs rabbit holes have the wrong classification in Edit Town, so players may want to reclassify them appropriately when using. You cannot purchase real estate (other than vacation homes) in World Adventures destinations nor Oasis Landing, so they have an N/A for price. I'm not sure what the price would be if you move the lots into another town. If anyone does so, please let me know and I'll add the price.
Leroy Vass · 431 weeks ago
LeeAlee · 424 weeks ago
Michael · 265 weeks ago