
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Sims 3 Laundromats

According to the Sims Wiki, "Laundromat is a community lot assignment introduced in The Sims 3: Ambitions. Sims can go to these lots and wash their clothes, benefiting from the laundry system introduced in Ambitions.

To do laundry at a laundromat, zoom the camera there and interact with one of the washing machines. Your Sim will gather laundry and take it to the laundromat where they will be charged a fee. The higher quality machines charge more and aren't eco-friendly, but offer better moodlets and a small chance of finding the mysterious laundry gnome."

Cleanesque Laundromat

World: Twinbrook
Name: Cleanesque Laundromat
Size: 15 x 30
Cost: $90,405


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