According to the Sims Wiki, "Resorts are a new type of lot introduced in The Sims 3: Island Paradise. Resorts are functionally similar to Hotels from The Sims 2: Bon Voyage as Sims can check in and rest, although one can also own a resort and improve them. There are three pre-made resorts in Isla Paradiso, although Sims can also build one of their own."
World: Isla Paradiso
Name: Hobart's Hideaway
Size: 64 x 64
Cost: $0
World: Isla Paradiso
Name: Sparkling Sands
Size: 64 x 64
Cost: $260,807
World: Isla Paradiso
Name: La Costa Verde
Size: 64 x 64
Cost: $242,838
Which is your favorite Resort?
patronsurveys 8p · 202 weeks ago
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Primark is one of the leading quick design retailer shops in the United Kingdom. Primark AKA Penneys (just in the Republic of Ireland). Arthur Ryan is the organizer of Penney's (Primark) retailer shop. Though, the base camp of the organization is in Dublin. Penneys is a gigantic accomplishment in Ireland. Along these lines, with this achievement, they intend to grow their business outside their country.