Garden isn't actually a lot assignment in the sims 3, but I think it should be. These are lots that I've noticed have multiple harvestables when curating the other pages. I may have missed one though so if you notice one that's missing let me know!

World: China
Name: Han's Orchard
Size: 50 x 40
Cost: N/A
Note: Players may want to reclassify as a Small Park or else no one will be pushed to visit the lot.

World: Dragon Valley
Name: Community Garden
Size: 25 x 40
Cost: N/A

World: France
Name: Champs Les Sims Nectary
Size: 64 x 64
Cost: N/A

World: Isla Paradiso
Name: Ichtaca Community Garden
Size: 30 x 30
Cost: N/A
Note: Players may want to reclassify as a Small Park or else no one will be pushed to visit the lot.
World: Lucky Palms
Name: Wonderful Wells Community Garden
Size: 30 x 20
Cost: N/A
Note: Players may want to reclassify as a Small Park or else no one will be pushed to visit the lot.

World: Lucky Palms
Name: Lovely Lake Park and Playground
Size: 64 x 64
Cost: $45,837

Name: Memories of Appaloosa Plains
Size: 52 x 52
Cost: N/A

Name: Gamma Gardens and Park
Size: 30 x 30
Cost: N/A

Name: Community Garden
Size: 20 x 40
Cost: N/A

World: Riverview
Name: Azalea Acres Community Garden
Size: 30 x 20
Cost: N/A

World: Roaring Heights
Name: Downtown Community Garden
Cost: $41,473

World: Sunlit Tides
Name: Paradise Park and Garden
Size: 25 x 25
Cost: N/A

World: Twinbrook
Name: Twinbrook Community Gardens
Size: 40 x 30
Cost: N/A

World: Store Venue
Name: Stones Throw Greenhouse
Size: 40 x 30
Cost: N/A
Which is your favorite Garden?
Apple · 472 weeks ago